
WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words. Check out Sam’s post to join in and support!

Hey everyone! Today I’m participating in a different meme because I realized I do two list memes in a row and wanted to change that up. Maybe I will pick and choose which lists to do because they’re all so fun! However, right now I’m trying to branch out a bit. Like I said I want to add a Creation Corner post twice a month and now my trainer and friend convinced me to post about my weight loss journey to keep me accountable once a week. I still want to predominantly be a book blog, but I think weekends will be for off topic posts.

But for now, on to the three W’s.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


I am currently reading The Devil You Know by K. J. Parker, and I’m really liking it! I’m not that far in, but I’ve recently DNF’d a book, put a book on hold, and given a couple books only three stars so I’ve been in a bit of a book slump. I really need a winner over here lol… I’m pretty engaged with this story about a trickster trying to outsmart the Father of Lies. So far I’m liking the writing and the main character, who hasn’t been named yet, is arrogant but it’s kind of funny. I have a good feeling about this one so fingers crossed!



I recently finished City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab. I wanted to love this so much more than I did, but I think Middle Grade just isn’t for me. It gives off a spooky atmosphere and is fast-paced and full of adorable and lovable characters, but I thought it was just okay. I like world-building and characters to be a little more fleshed out even if that means the actual plot is relatively lacking, and I’ve found that most Middle Grade books I’ve read, including this one, are heavy with adventure over anything else. This wasn’t for me, but if you’re into Middle Grade I think you’ll really enjoy this one. I’ll be posting a more in depth review of City of Ghosts on Friday.


I have been craving an epic fantasy but I still have ARC’s I requested and need to read so I think I’ll be reading Fat Girl on a Plane by Kelly deVos next. Though I mentioned that I will be blogging about my weight loss and fitness journey once a week, I still want to work on being confident even when I’m fat (I am just personally not healthy at my current weight, but others definitely can be.) I adore Fat Girl on a Plane’s premise about a fat girl trying to make it in the fashion industry. I’m big and I love fashion! This book sounds like it will have tons of body positivity, so I think this will be just what I’m looking for.

What are your three W’s? Have you read any of mine? Come chat with me in the comments!

Cya! ^^

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4 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday

  1. I look forward to hearing what you think of Fat Girl on a Plane! It sounds like it might be what I wanted The Summer of Jordi Perez to be (not that I didn’t enjoy that one, I just wanted more from it) I feel the same way about MG, I get sucked in by the pretty covers, but I usually end up wanting a little more from them. Maybe I’m just demanding 😂

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    1. I finished Fat Girl on a Plane, and I really need to think it through haha…😅 That’s exactly me and MG, too! I keep telling myself it’s for a younger audience, but I still want more. It’s okay, I’m demanding, too. 😔


  2. I’ve been eyeing The Devil You Know for a bit because I’m a sucker for stories involving deals with devils, so YAY for it being good so far!! And I’ve been telling myself I should read more middle grades because there seem to be so many great ones out there now, but all the ones I’ve read recently have been Meh. So I don’t know if I’ve just grown out of them or if I picked really bad ones.

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    1. Yea, I like it so far! Both characters are kind of know it alls but everything is so morally grey. And I have no idea about middle grade ><! I haven’t had any luck with more hyped up ones. I have 2 more to eventually read so we’ll see!

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